For those of you following The Alive Project, this is the fourth post in the first experiment: Menstrual Cups. Little did I know when I made the decision to make a switch in my own personal hygiene practices that it would lead to real change in my heart and mind regarding my own femininity and the value of safe, effective, sustainable hygiene practices around the world.
The original article that jump started this journey for me has never been far from my heart and mind. In fact Sabrina Rubli's piece, "How Menstrual Cups are Changing Lives in East Africa" is the number one search result in my Google search option. Her insight to the life changing effect of cups in Kenya was compelling enough for me to make a switch and begin to discover a new side of myself and a new connection with women around the world.
In my discoveries based on the experiment I reached out to a friend I know who works at World Vision in Chicago. World Vision (WV) is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God. Tony and I already support the mission of WV and around the world and instead of reinventing the wheel, it was my desire to join them where they may be working in this field. The results of that initial Facebook message to my friend have been interesting and sent my heart on a new and exciting journey.
She did a little digging and sent me a four year old article from the Lunette Cup website detailing the specifics of a special holiday program Lunette and WV Finland ran in tandem in 2010. Together, Lunette and WV raised enough money to provide material for over 7,000 cloth pads to be made the women of Sook, Kenya to promote safer, more hygienic periods and provide a source of income for the women manufacturing the pads. As a result, women were gaining economic ground and continuing their educations, formerly abruptly ended by several factors including the onset of menses.
WV continued their efforts in Sook where they have seen countless women gain confidence and hope for their educational future. As a result, hundreds of women and men have begun to speak out against the cultural practice of Female Genital Mutilation, now outlawed in Kenya, but still regularly practiced in villages at the onset of menses before a woman is married. FGM involves the removal of the outer genitals and, among other things, signifies a young woman (as young as 12) is ready to be married, represents the end of her formal education, and presents trouble in child bearing.
WV has, for the past several years provided an escape for women trapped in the cycle of FGM propagated by their families, especially older women. WV has constructed an all girl school with dormitories for those who have been cast out by family members for the refusal of FGM. Women here are continuing their education and becoming active members of their communities. Men as well are beginning to note the dangers of FGM both physically and communally and have begun to speak out against the practice. WV's efforts in Sook, Kenya are changing the landscape for women and men, creating a more equal society reflective of the Kingdom of God.
The question all of this rises in my heart is this, where do I fit in? I have been in touch with one of the women at WV Finland working closely with this project and I am excited to understand more of how I can support WV's efforts, not only in Sook, but around the world as their program grows.
I have found that empathy not only encourages connection but it also spurs forward action. This is what I feel, in part, Jesus must have been talking about when He explained His overflow. What the writer of Proverbs expressed when he let us in on the wisdom that "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Actions predicated on anything but Jesus' own love for His people will undoubtedly turn into something other than Kingdom glory. However, if our actions are flowing from the Love of Jesus welled up in our hearts then the Kingdom advances.
So, I find myself on a Kingdom journey. Seeking to understand how God views His people, not just women, but men and children. My desire is to understand how my heartbeat matches God's and march to that rhythm. I am honestly astounded the paths that this journey is taking, but I am loving walking through it as a member of God's holy priesthood, as member of His family, as a member of a humanity He cherishes.
If you would like more information on the mission and vision of World Vision please visit their website. For more on the work Lunette and World Vision have begun click here. Visit our Amazon Affiliate link at get your own Menstural Cups
I will continue posting as the experiment moves forward and more ways to support safe feminine hygiene practices present themselves. In the meantime, why not start your own Alive Project? Here's a starting point: What is God calling you to that seems insignificant, but would radically change an aspect of your own life? Comment here and jump start your own journey in empathy, connection and coming Alive!