Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Good News and A Challenge

Today is an awesome day in our house! We received word that our Article 5 has been pulled and now we are simply waiting for a Consulate Appointment in order to set our Travel Date! We could not be more excited and to make things even better today we are launching our Chiaramonte Adoption T-shirt Campaign!

We would love for you to join our One Family and show your support for our adoption by purchasing a shirt and joining us in a fun social media challenge!

Head on over to BonfireFunds now through Sunday, Feb. 15 to pick up a shirt and then repost our link on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and give us a shout out with #ChiaramonteAdoption #OneFamily. Invite your family and friends to support not only our adoption but also the adoption process of my brother-in-law and his wife, Chris and Sarah Chiaramonte.

As we have pushed forward with our adoption we have realized that God truly does see humanity as One Family. He desires for us to follow Him and calls us all His children. In a very real way Tony and I have been able to share that with his brother Chris and his wife Sarah and we are grateful to be raising funds alongside of them. We could not be more thrilled to see God bringing us together in this way and we would love for you to be a part of this awesome story that God is telling through our One Family!

Join us today! And when you receive your shirt snap a picture and post it on your social media accounts using our hashtags. It is our hope to compile a photo book for our kiddos that serves as a tangible reminder of the people they can all their tribe, their One Family!

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